Title : I wanna officially welcome a guitar home,soon
Again,a long long time since i last blogged.And guess what,exams are darn over and im free to be me now!but,to free to do nothing but watch movies from my laptop,those movies I didn't manage to watch because of the hectic school life.well,3 days of exams equal to days of fun,not really that!BUT,im gonna get a guitar soon.and guess what,Im proud to be a multi musician(without boasting:))
and just so you know,some people in this damn world are just so stubborn and hypercrap. I find them a wasting of my time and so long suckers!
written a new song called "OVER AND DONE" specially for Enerchords production.and i wanna ensure that Enerchords has a good and bright future.actually I have kinda randomly draw our band's icon plus some motive;Band of style,flexibility and rock.i think its kinda lame?
okay,i JUST watched Final Destination 4 and Drag me to hell. Final Destination 4,a well to do violent and gore movie,anticipated but it's thrill keeps me thinking about imagining me someday being in those kinda scary incidents that might befall me,also reminds me of my operation coming november.:/ Drag me to hell,a big NO NO for me.2 stars(*_*)it sucks like hell,and it just seem like a funny movie.but i do believe curses exist though.they make it too unrealistic that God knows how much i saved($6 six dollars?)from watching this movie in cinema!Next movie to watch,Harry Potter,District 9 afterwards or maybe The Hangover and then the proposal maybe or 500 Days of Summer. and yesterday,watched The Ugly Truth which i think im too back in time,cos that movie's like relesed so long ago?it was hilarious i tell you.seriously,anticipated and worth the watch.
so any suggestions of what kind of guitar should i buy? i want a blue acoustic guitar perhaps...this, Can anyone tell me is there any difference between an electric and an acoustic guitar? P.S. Im a guitar geek here!