Well,this is the WORST March holidays ever man.4 band practices.much?
lol but i didnt go for 2.so fair enough.
today was supposed to be a very faggy outing day where teh FAGS would parteh together.
unwillingly,it didnt happen as what was planned!
since one faggot pulled out,I gave an opinion to novel that why not we just cancel and postpone the outing to some other day since we lost one leg.but then,novel insisted on the outing and actually i didnt mind.lastly,i pulled out too coz ive made an appointment with zulaikha for a lunch at Seoul Garden today and then to the movies.she already bought a pair of tix just for us.so,i pulled out too leaving Novel,Jolyn and Val.and i pulled out not coz of the first fag who pulled out,its for that reason i mentioned earlier.such a waste.Nevermind,we sure will make it in the next holiday,okay!
Today,a Wednesday,ever so free for me in this busy March holidays.regretted didnt studying the whole day but managed to gallivant with my BESTfriend,or so called my partner in Seoul Garden-miss those times when we laughed together so many times.
Previous Plan:Lunch at Seoul Garden then to the movies,me,Ikha and Haziq la but since Haziq pulled out too in this outing,for certain unreasonable reasons.okay,dont wanna go further,later it gets worst.
So so so,met Zulaikha at Bugia,as i had t return my SG uniform to mam,then we headed,walked in the ever so warm a S'pore day can be,to Funan first as Ikha had to meet his uncle for whatever reason i didnt know.his uncle was geeky and hilarious to me."Bukit Batoookk..."(inside joke,hehe)
then headed to marina,to eat at Seoul Garden.cost $31 smth,ate ard 2 hours and set off for window shopping and searched for neoprint shop but not at sight.
then,we went to PS,Ikha bought some things before we headed to the movies to watch coming soon.there,the cinema auntie thought we were so young that she asked us to show her our IC coz the movie was NC16.
i tell you,coming soon is uber darn stupid and not really scary for me.we made it so hilarious that we laughed most of the time,but anyway it wont even be scary if we didnt made fun of it though.too bad Haziq wasnt there too.
but if anyone of you fags or zulaikha who reads this know the fact....you guys gonna kill Haziq,but its best not to know.so okay,tarts!