HI!IT"S ME,THE KOALA BOY!:)Doodles and Boogeys!It has been so long again since I last updated.Life's getting busy yeah.Oh,to sum up the first week of this pathetic June Holidays(fyi,I've never called June Hols pathetic before,as it would always be relaxing and peaceful)...
This is a picture me and my Bestie took yesterday before he went for his "date".Yes,and I hate this picture because my face is horrendous and odious,I sware!My hair was in a mess and my face;stoink!Eeee....this was after the band graduation ceremony.Okay,it was quite poignant too leave the band and meet your juniors for the last time.And receiving a certificate,yes and the juniors were so adorable,although the event wasn't their best they should have given but "it's the thoughts that count",like what haziq likes to say,hehe. yes,then after that I went to meet Ryan to take back my mp4 and my umbrella which I forgot to take back.THanks ehk bestie for taking the effort to insert those music videos into my mp4:)I know you're jealous while doing that,LOL.i enjoy viewing them,hehe.I've been busy last week,with lessons and all sorts of stuff,and MT O-levels last Monday.I'm gonna be much busier as I need to concentrate on my studies and rarely visit my blog.Just leave a tag is okay.Oh yes,and I discovered this therapy thingy,introduced by my parents and I've attended 2 sessions.For 15 sessions its free unless if you wanna continue,its $53 for 15 more sessions.Its good,it minimise any illnesses you have including cancer and for asthma suffering people,you'll get them extinct if you go for this,evidence prove it.yes,I tell you its good,its at Bugis and if anything you want to know more about it,leave a tag and I'll entertain you.Spammers get lost!
Then that Friday,Im supposed to go for my 3rd therapy session but instead I went to accompany Ryan to PP becoz he wanted to buy tanks for him and his friend.and here's a picture that I think Ryan looks funny,and I'll get a scolding for this.

But now,see the difference when Jacki strikes,sorry.
Hahahah,that's very funny!
Published at 5:02 PM, by Littlepilot's.
Ouuuh,MT O-levels is next Monday and its the first day of the June holidays!I need to gat A2 for it,please!!!Mugging hard now and things are getting better as I start to have the feel of studying hard again.At least there's an improvement on my results,received the report book tday.Failed 4,passed 4.and the passed subjects were 2 C6 and 2 B4.at least i improved okay...Mother Tongue Os!
And what was more depressing and sad was that David Archuleta didn't get the crown for American Idol!shit,he is damn good but I guess votes were more important then.
Yey!i'm going to ride my dearest SQ the last week of the hols.,yep going for a 5 day vacation to destress...
Labels: diary
Published at 1:00 AM, by Littlepilot's.
Turning Different I guess?
Okay,my life is thumped by certain problems that are strange,inexplicable and such.Why do problems always matter on small matters,misperceptions and weird attitudes?Why in this world should exist weird and strange people,that you thought for the whole while was a good person but then turns to be the direct opposite.Life is like that isn't it.Too bad my bestfriend came from that species.I just don't want to make matters worst and don't want to fuss around here and I don't like to colour my blog dull with this kind of unpleasant entries.Sigh!Life is weird.When you have a friend and you spent most of your time with him/her,finally you found out that it wasn't your true friend,maybe because of certain small matters that bring their trueself out or maybe you did something wrong in your friends' eyes.But how could a best friend backstab you.I know that I also am a big mouth but once promise,it shouldn't be broken.
For me,my friend has changed a lot.Maybe it is because I do not know him/her before this,maybe he/her is like this originally.I'm just disappointed with the situation now.
A friend ashamed of his/her bestfriend?That isn't even called a friendship.That's all I have to say.
Gems and jewels are very rare and priceless resources found on Earth,but the most rare,wonderful, priceless and precious gems and jewels are friends.So,what more are bestfriends?Does one wants to lose them just like that?
Labels: diary
Published at 1:00 AM, by Littlepilot's.
The world is so weird and inexplicable.Sometimes you encounter people who are lame and freakingly irritating like me,or even people who wear masks(pretend) and preferred by lots of people for being good and always betray/backstab their friends.But,there are still those out there who have a listening ear and understands people's misunderstanding and such.But,those masks bearer always thinks that that irritant is jealous.FYI,i really HATE to the core people who wear 'masks' and likes to act big,and it's very irritating when that person which you always lend a hand to and whom you always care for as a friend.(I just don't want to use the word "bestfriend" because it's a very strong word)I know myself that I'm an irritant,lame,and also wears a mask;as everyone does it,but I just hate it when these people you always helped throws eveything back at you and is stingy when it comes to you,only you.yes,you cannot avoid these stingy people but you just need to feel the pain behind it.Some people understand that they're human beings with feelings,but some of them didn't understand that others are like them too.Mistakes are mistakes and it you need time to improve.Actually I'm the one who is at fault,but everytime I make a mistake,it wasn't forgiven for a very long time but when any other person makes a mistake,I tend to easily forgive them but only if it didn't hurt me that much.But whatever I did,I always apologise.But,this person whom I know of,has no shame and lies everything to others.Although I was at fault,it was easy to understand,like I said I was irritating.But,my anger and "fed up" have been tightly hold on to me that I keep it to myself,but last Thursday was the dead end.I'm so damn hurt,angry and crestfallen by someone's misconduct.I always hate it when it comes to friends or bestfriends,only some of them.I hate it when a bestfriend friend talks things that are hurtful to another friend,in front of you.I hate it when a friend doesn't treat you as a bestfriend.I hate it when you sacrifice and help that friend of yours and then you get everything back slammed on you.I hate a friend who doesn't understand.I hate it when someone calls you a friend but has something else inside his heart;these are not your true friends.That is what i get previously.I'm utterly disgusted and annoyed by some people.I'm really disappointed by what these people did to me;stepped on me.But it is sad to say,after I knew everything,the true self of this"bestfriend",it makes me certain that the friendship is not a true one...I cannot do anything better but just to drift away,as these people do not deserve to be my bestfriend friend and I don't deserve to be their friend because maybe I am different that what they want.I'm full of faults and mistakes.I'm very hurtful,crestfallen and disappointed;speechless.I hope this person doesn't need to call me a friend anymore beause I don't want to be one.And this person is neither a bestfriend/close friend nor a friend before,this person is just a liar.
I just don't like to talk about this but it has reach a level that I can't stand anymore,this is life.I'm sorry,but goodbye.
Labels: diary
Published at 8:00 PM, by Littlepilot's.
Title : get Motivated ahmad!
one week had passed swiftly,and I'm motivated,slightly.REsults WERE termendous like i said.last week,for Wednesday to Friday,there was no curriculum time.we had a motivational workshop from 8am-9pm,ran by AKLTG(adam khoo learning technologies group).at first,i expected it to be mundane and uneffective,but i was wrong.it did motivate me a snag.the session taught me to be myself,there independant,know who the two wonderful people are and how to study smart.this may push me toward my goals and it's up to me to craft my future.no more time to waste ahamd,and procrastinating is NOT for me!on the last day of the thing,the closing sceremony,was warmth and melancholic,as i observed my friends and level mates cried in front of everybody and their parents,just to admit their faults and apologise to what they did wrong and for those who rarely hug and kiss their parents,that was their luck.I did not went up becaus emy parents weren't there and because my bonds with my family was fairly well.we bond every now and then.i think i got to disappear now,bye! Labels: diary
Published at 11:00 PM, by Littlepilot's.
Title : results were disastrous!
The only word that i can describe my results for the first few subjects released just now wasUTTERLY SICKENING AND DISASTROUS!!!
I don't want to let anybody reading this know my marks but it's a failure!
Nevermind,there is still time to buck up and wake up!
Failure leads to success at a later time...
Procrastinating is a thief of time!
oh,and just now there was a fight in my class and it's utterly hilarious!the source of the fight was kinda undescribable,LOL...so funny sia...
Okay,that's all folks!I'm slacking you see,so do not disturb me anymore:/->tkder link ehk...
Labels: diary
Published at 11:19 PM, by Littlepilot's.
Title : Its been so long...
Hello there!Welcome me back.It has been damn long ever since I last updated this arid blog of mine.So damn long rite.and I always dropped by my tagboard.Okay,okay,MYE has ended disastrously and results will fluctuate.Like whoa whoa!
This few days had been slacking because its after exams but I know that Im dead when results are released and so on.I kept gallivanting and didn't know what to do.Many things happened when I was away(away from blogging).And MT O-levels is like in THREE WEEKS TIME!
Im now like ON to MJ12 because i easily get addicted to it.Oh ya,after one week of watching and LCD HD tv,I realised it has only slight difference than a normal tv but only that its flat.
Went to swimming last Friday with RYAN and at that night I was oober restless,fatigue and drowsy that i didnt hear MJ12 and didnt pray.tsktsktsk...
actually there's much things to say but i forgot most of it because things happened far so long ago.Now you reader's will observe that I will rarely blog because I need to dive onto books and revision and O-levels is like how many months away and I really need HELP!
and yes,the new blogskin is damn nice,it resemble a flight of aviation...I loike it!this proves the tagger previously who thought he was the fattest person on Earth but instead he labelled me that:okay,takder link and tak perlu ehk...
and this few days me and ryan keep laughing about the song NONGKRONG! and take a bow especially when it comes to the "please"...
okay,to wrap up,Im going to display a picture i took with Ryan bestie:)

Labels: diary
Published at 12:18 PM, by Littlepilot's.